
Dr. Jeff Myslewski 

I came to Dr. Jeff for help with my Neuropathy. It is my greatest feeling to be able to walk without pain, relax without pain in the evenings, and have long restful sleeps at night. I feel like a different man.

Tom K.

Myslewski Chiropractic has made me feel outstanding.  Back pain, arm pain, neck pain and migraines, Dr Jeff helped alleviate all of these pains.  Dr Jeff is a one-on-one doctor and cares truly about the well-being of his patients.  Dr Jeff listens to your ailments and adjusts you where the hurt will be alleviated.  Dr. Jeff takes the time to understand your condition and takes care of it with minimal treatments and appointments.  Dr. Jeff does not rush his patients in and out of the office. The time you spend with Dr. Jeff is your time and his to get control of your pain.  Dr. Jeff has not only helped me but also my children.  If you want a Chiropractor that cares about your whole well-being, then I would recommend Dr. Jeff to you all. 

Kim S. 

I went to see Dr. Jeff after developing Carpal Tunnel symptoms in my left hand.  I already had carpal tunnel surgery done on my right hand and was looking for an alternative to surgery if possible.    After going to Dr. Jeff for chiropractic adjustments on my back and neck and using a handheld wrist traction device which I used twice a day at home, I am symptom free.  I have been going to see Dr. Jeff once a month for maintenance and am still symptom free for over a year now!   It was the best decision I could have made and  also avoided unnecessary surgery.  

Karen K.

Lisa Myslewski, Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Consultant 

It was hard to find a place to go workout that would give me what I was looking for, a place and a program where I could challenge myself and see the benefits of my hard work.  I have been in class training for 6 months and I have found a program that has made a real difference in how as a woman in my mid-fifties, I have found that by increasing my muscle tone and working out on a regular basis, I have benefited in not just increased physical strength but in my overall health.  I really miss this class when I cannot attend.  Lisa is the kind of person who gives her all and I am glad I started this program and look forward to continuing.


I have known Lisa for 7 years and she has been my personal trainer off and on for most of those years.  I have never met another trainer that is as fun, motivating, knowledgeable and just an all around great person.  Lisa not only teaches weight training - she also teaches you about nutrition and aerobic excercise and how they all work together.    Even though I knew all the pieces of the weight loss puzzle, I never really commited to putting them all together.  Once I did, I lost 20 lbs. since January with Lisa's help and I feel great!   

Karen K.

I have known Lisa for over a year now…… She has been telling me that I needed more than cardio to lose weight and all I heard was blah…blah…blah.  So I decided I would try out Lisa because I was not losing anymore weight.   WOW is all I can say.  I have never felt this good putting on my clothes.  I even had to buy new clothes just to fit me!!  The thing I like best about Lisa is she’s real and has bad days just like all of us do and reminds us to get back on track.  I just want to say Thank you Lisa !!!  You are the best! 

Julie Boyce  

Lisa's weight-training is wonderful because of her great enthusiasm for life, empathy for others and her personal interest in her clients, motivating them contagiously! 

Mary Ann

"Lisa is that rare person who gives of herself to all clients. She is thoroughly knowledgeable on the topics of fitness and diet, but also considers client health, happiness and overall well-being. She is a positive motivator and everyone's champion, extending time and effort to insure her clients are achieving their personal best!"


"I am so grateful for finding Lisa Myslewski. Training with her is something that has changed my life forever. Because of her program, I have lost approximately 40 pounds and have kept it off for almost 2 years! I learned more about food and fitness in my 6 months of training with her than I ever thought possible! Most importantly, she taught me that there's no "quick-fix" or "magic pill" to weight loss....The secret to success is simple: Eat clean (every 3 to 4 hrs), exercise daily and drink water, water and more water!!! Planning ahead and consistency are also key. My life and body have changed completely due to Lisa's program and I have become a better person from this challenging but life changing experience. I cannot even begin to thank Lisa enough for everything...I am truly grateful not only for her but for all that she has taught me as well. I would recommend Lisa's personal training services to anyone and everyone I know!" 

Kelly J.

Ive been working with Lisa for several months now, I have learned so much about clean eating, strength training and overall living a healthy life. The classes are never the same so I actually look forward to going. Lisa is incredibly motivating and the best part is what I have got from her isn't just a quick fix to loose a few pounds but a life style change.

Elyse P.

Lisa is exactly what I have been looking for! I have belonged to health clubs and have attended all kinds of classes and worked with personal trainers before and I have never had the results like I have had with Lisa in such a short period of time!  There is no dancing around, no changing weight on machines, and no hassle of all the things you deal with by going to club or a gym....You go in and get to work.....She targets every muscle group with hand weights and core exercises and you never look at the clock thinking when is this going to be over!   You get better results in half the time you would doing any thing else...She keeps you motivated and wanting more!  I am so excited I finally found exactly what I needed to get in shape and stay in shape!

Wendy S.

Jazzercise, Zumba, WAC, Aerobic Center, Hempfield Recreation Programs.  What do all these have in common?  Not what you will get with Lisa!  I have been exercising for 20 years and never have been so happy with my newest trainer, Lisa.  Lisa is not your typical workout trainer, she truly is concerned with your well-being and exercising.  She not only makes it fun, but pushes you to your limit to achieve the goals you are working towards.  Not only do you lose weight, but you learn to eat healthy, too. No crash diets!  Funky music, small personal classes and lots of fun makes going to Lisa not a chore!  I guarantee by going to Lisa, you will definitely see results and not want to go anywhere else.  Give her a try, you won’t be disappointed!!

Kim S.

"I see results when I workout with Lisa, pure and simple. She has a gift for knowing the right combination of strength training and nutrition that get you the results you can't seem to get on your own. You'll never leave a class wondering if you got a good workout, you'll leave feeling strong, confident and good about yourself!"

Jaimee G.

I thought I was doing everything I could to get rid of the last 5 lbs., I was running daily, eating right, but the scale wasn't changing! I started going to Lisa and its amazing what a little change in my regimen has done to my body! I have muscles I never knew existed and I dropped the last 5 lbs. by going to Lisa twice a week and eating healthier! 


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